OCA degree in photography module 1

Primary ands Secondary Colours

The aim of this exercise was to find scenes or parts of scenes that were dominated by the primary and secondary colours shown on the colour wheel below. Primary - Red, Blue, Yellow

Secondary - Green, Orange, Violet


The idea was to find the colour and then alter the exposure to match the primary/ secondary colour as closely as possible.

the results can be seen below

Primary and secondary colours small-3015 Primary and secondary colours small-3014 Primary and secondary colours small-3012 Primary and secondary colours small-3010 Primary and secondary colours small-3009 Primary and secondary colours small-3008



This exercise was difficult for a number of reasons :-

  • its hard to match a colour its either too light, too dark, too vivid, too dull or the wrong hue (an  orangey red or a purpley red for example)
  • Its not easy to find naturally occurring examples of these colours without turning to flowers and producing a seed catalogue.
  • I am very much out of my comfort zone here and I feel I am floundering through this part of the course mechanically completing the exercises but without a real insight into what am supposed to be doing or producing.

One thing that I am noticing is that I am becoming more aware of colour in everyday life. I am looking at colours and asking myself where they fit on the wheel and are they bright vivid dull dark deep etc